Tag: Oracle

ORA-09925: Unable To Create Audit Trail File

Upon trying to start Oracle database service I got the following ORA-09925 error in $DB_HOME/startup.log file

The same ORA-09925 error when I tried to log on to SQL*Plus.

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How to fix ORA-28001: the password has expired ORA-28002 The Password Will Expire in 7 Days Errors

A new day started from ORA-28002 The Password Will Expire in 7 Days message from an Oracle DB. Let’s dig a bit how can we avoid this situation and manage our Oracle DB passwords.

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Unable to load component class org.sonar.scanner.bootstrap.ScannerPluginInstaller

Suddenly “Error during SonarQube Scanner execution” began to appear during at the end of Jenkins build. The full text in Jenkins console output looks like this:

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