SQL Reporting Services. HTTP Error 503 The service is unavailable

After I installed new certificate using SQL RS Configuration Manager upon opening any report I see the following: In comparison to this case the root cause is the same: when binding a certificate Configuration Manager creates shitty URL bindings like

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HAProxy mixed content warning when using HTTPS

I use HAProxy to do SSL offloading for a WordPress site. Frontend is on 80 and 443 with redirect HAProxy redirect HTTP to HTTPS using redirect scheme https code 301 if !{ ssl_fc } Redirection is working well when the page is accessed on port 80. However the pages loads incomplete and looking in the …

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FOP2 and HTTPS cannot connect


I recently converted my FreePBX from a HTTP to HTTPS instance. On the same instance, I have Flash Operator Panel2 running on there. Prior to the change, FOP2 login screen or the /fop2 user console would popup rather quickly. After HTTPS was added, I’ve noticed that the login screen doesn’t popup for a little bit. …

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IIS Redirect HTTP to HTTPS

Once the SSL certificate is installed, your site still remains accessible via a regular insecure HTTP connection. To connect securely, visitors must specify the https:// prefix manually when entering your site’s address in their browsers. In order to force a secure connection on your website, it is necessary to set up HTTP to HTTPS redirection …

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How To Create SSL Certificate for Apache on CentOS 7

An SSL certificate is an electronic ‘document’ that is used to bind together a public security key and a website’s identity information (such as name, location, etc.) by means of a digital signature. The ‘document’ is issued by a certificate provider such as GlobalSign, Verisign, GoDaddy, Comodo, Thawte, and others. In this article I will …

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Redirect HTTP to HTTPS in Apache

Let’s say you want all traffic to your website use secured connection. You can redirect HTTP to HTTPS in Apache like following: Using virtual hosts and Redirect directive When using SSL, you will frequently have at least two virtual hosts: one on port 80 to serve ordinary requests, and one on port 443 to serve …

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