Tag: Powershell

PowerShell List Memory Usage by IIS Application Pools

If you need quick overview on RAM usage of you IIS application pools you can use the following Powershell command to retrieve the information:

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Auto-renew Letsencrypt certificates in Azure Automation Account with managed identity


Recently my Job for renewing Letsencrypt certificates in KeyVault has stopped working. Upon closer look I found that my Run As account certificate expired: I navigated to certificate’s properties to renew it as described in Microsoft documentation and thouhgt I have 1 minute work to fix that but no! There is no option to renew …

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LetsEncrypt certificates automatic renewal in Azure Application Gateway

I can bet almost any IT technician have heard of Letsencrypt certificates. They are completely free and fully supported by big corps such as Google, Facebook, Microsoft, and many others, to have a more secure and privacy-respecting Web. A lot of public websites are using those certificates. Of course, as for any free stuff, there …

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How to find AD Disabled Accounts with Skype for Business Enabled

As you definitely know disabling user in Active Directory won’t disable it in Skype for Business. That’s because Skype for Business uses it’s own AD attributes. So such users will still be visible in Skype for Business Control Panel and in licenses count.

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How to get Skype for Business components version


You can get all Skype for Business components versions grouped in a table with the following Powershell cmdlet. Open Skype for Business Management Shell as Administrator on a Front End Server and execute the following cmdlet:

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Run powershell script by double clicking .ps1 file

To do so registry tweaks are needed: First, configure a PSDrive for HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT since this isn’t set up by default. The command for this is:

Now you can navigate and edit registry keys and values in HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT just like you would in the regular HKCU and HKLM PSDrives. To configure double-clicking to launch PowerShell …

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