Category: Simple about IT

Certificate validity check with OpenSSL client

Here is how you can check certificate validity and troubleshoot TLS connection issues using OpenSSL client command-line utility:

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Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services (SQLRS): how to get a list of permissions for each report

To retrieve a list of all reports on a Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) instance along with the security principals that have permissions on each report, you can query the SSRS database. SSRS uses a database (commonly named ReportServer) to store metadata about reports and their security settings. Use the following query to get …

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TypeError: Argument 1 passed to Carbon\CarbonInterval::setLocalTranslator()

You may encounter the following error after updating through WHMCS v8.0:

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PowerShell List Memory Usage by IIS Application Pools

If you need quick overview on RAM usage of you IIS application pools you can use the following Powershell command to retrieve the information:

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Zabbix Agent: Active vs. Passive Modes

When it comes to Zabbix agent modes, there is a choice between the active and the passive modes. Each time new items or hosts are added in the front end, you need to choose the item type. This is mandatory as the item type determines how the item will work and collect data. For the Zabbix agent, there is …

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Laravel Relation “Attempt to read property on null”

It usually means that the related record is NULL or soft-deleted. There are multiple ways to gracefully handle such a situation, without showing the error to the user. A practical example would be a list of Posts with belongs To relation to Categories. Migration file for Posts:

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Cloudmin passthrough CPU information to VM


I have Rocket Chat in VM hosted in Cloudmin that relies on qemu. When I tried to update Rocket Chat to the latest version I got the following error: Your cpu does not support avx or avx2 instructions, which is required to run mongo 5.x, shipped with the next version of this snap.

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MariaDB fails to start: Aria engine is not enabled or did not start

After low space condition once happened on a server MariaDB failed to start with :

In /var/log/messages:

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Clean and reduce size of Zabbix database


After some time you may find that you Zabbix database become enormously big and consumes significant amount of disk space. Among really usefull data there is data that may be cleaned up and optimized in Zabbix database in order to reduce size of Zabbix database.

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Vicidial access forbidden to the recordings folder


I got this upon trying to download call recording in Vicidial on the lead’s page. I have Vicibox 11 installed in virtual machine on Cloudmin with Vicidial VERSION: 2.14-899a BUILD: 231109-2027

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