Tag: Zabbix

PowerShell List Memory Usage by IIS Application Pools

If you need quick overview on RAM usage of you IIS application pools you can use the following Powershell command to retrieve the information:

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Zabbix Agent: Active vs. Passive Modes

When it comes to Zabbix agent modes, there is a choice between the active and the passive modes. Each time new items or hosts are added in the front end, you need to choose the item type. This is mandatory as the item type determines how the item will work and collect data. For the Zabbix agent, there is …

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Clean and reduce size of Zabbix database


After some time you may find that you Zabbix database become enormously big and consumes significant amount of disk space. Among really usefull data there is data that may be cleaned up and optimized in Zabbix database in order to reduce size of Zabbix database.

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Spamlists monitoring in Zabbix


Most companies have a wide variety of services running, usually with public and private facing interfaces. If you are providing services like SMTP, DNS or similar to your customers, those services might be misused and you could end up getting your servers IP addresses blacklisted on various Domain Name System Blackhole Lists (DNSBL). This could …

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