Skype for Business MS-Diagnostic Errors

skype-for-businessHere are the description of MS-Diagnostic Errors you may see in Skype for Business logs when troubleshooting.

The following table details what string is displayed in the SIP protocol client, depending upon what ms-diagnostic error is received for a given mode.

Note that the following placeholder is used in these messages:

§ [user name] is used in place of an actual user name.

§ [client name] is used in place of the name of the SIP protocol client Continue reading

Letsencrypt error Invalid response from

Under some circumstances you may encounter an error while getting a certificate from Letsencrypt with Type: unauthorized and Detail: Invalid response from

Most often it happens when website’s root is different from webserver’s root. Good example are Laravel based applications where website’s root is often in /public subfolder. In such case ACME challenges will be redirected to /public resulting in the error:

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No input file specified error

When going on some link you can get “No input file specified” error in your browser.

To resolve this error, check that in the file .htaccess there was no line:

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RPC failed; curl 18 transfer closed with outstanding read data remaining

When I tried to clone a decently-huge git repository I got the error below. The most common issue is that the connection closes and the whole clone is cancelled.

After a lot of trial and errors and a lot of “remote end hung up unexpectedly” I have a way that works for me. Continue reading

How to copy directory with SCP

The Unix command scp (which stands for “secure copy protocol”) is a simple tool for uploading or downloading files (or directories) to/from a remote machine. The transfer is done on top of SSH, which is how it maintains its familiar options (like for specifying identities and credentials) and ensures a secure connection. It’s really helpful to be able to move around files between any machine that supports SSH.

When trying to copy directory like you usually copy a file with scp you may encounter the following scp error:
folder_name: not a regular file Continue reading

How to set custom background in MS Teams

Custom-background-microsoft-teams-before-callMS Teams desktop client has around ten predefined background images and you can upload your own and choose it for your next call.

You can set custom background in Teams client as follows: Continue reading

Reporting Services error 503: Error creating HTTP endpoint – Access is Denied

We had a case come in where they were seeing a blank page when they went to Report Manager for Reporting Services.  You may also see an HTTP 503 error.  This just means that the service had a problem and there was probably an exception that occurred under the hoods.

In this case, the issue was with SQL 2008 R2.  When looking at the Reporting Services Logs, we can see the following exception when the service starts. Continue reading

SSH authentication refused bad ownership or modes for file

SSH keys authentication scheme

So you created SSH keypair, installed public key on the server you want to connect to but, probably, made this not as described in this article: How To Set Up SSH Keys and now the server refuses your key and in /var/log/secure we can see message like this:

Authentication refused: bad ownership or modes for file /home/user/.ssh/authorized_keys


Authentication refused: bad ownership or modes for directory /home/user/.ssh


Permissions 0664 for '/home/user/.ssh/id_ed25519' are too open.
It is required that your private key files are NOT accessible by others.
This private key will be ignored.
Load key "/home/user/.ssh/id_ed25519": bad permissions
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FOP2 and HTTPS cannot connect

FOP2-one-moment-pleaseI recently converted my FreePBX from a HTTP to HTTPS instance. On the same instance, I have Flash Operator Panel2 running on there. Prior to the change, FOP2 login screen or the /fop2 user console would popup rather quickly. After HTTPS was added, I’ve noticed that the login screen doesn’t popup for a little bit. I see the timer counting up to about 8 before any login box pops up. So FOP2 with HTTPS does not work and you can see “Connecting to server, attempt number ” message Continue reading

Linux shell modes and Capistrano

This is possibly one of the most complicated support questions that can be asked, the only real answer is it depends.

It’s really a question of which kind of shell Capistrano is using, it’s a matrix of possibilities concerning loginnon-logininteractive, or non-interactive.

By default Capistrano always assigns a non-loginnon-interactive shell. Continue reading

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