Tag: error

key type ssh-rsa not in pubkey accepted algorithms

I was running Ubuntu 20.04 happily, and then over the weekend decided to back everything up and install 22.04. I installed my previous keys but I couldn’t login via MobaXTerm remotely as I usually did with 20.04. I logged in with a console and checked /var/log/auth.log . Here are the messages generated upon my tries …

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Jenkins: The remote end hung up unexpectedly fatal: early EOF fatal: index-pack failed


Again the same git error: The remote end hung up unexpectedly fatal: early EOF fatal: index-pack failed. This time – during the execution of Jenkins pipeline:

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CentOS7 dockerError while creating filesystem xfs on device docker exit status 1

When you try to start docker it exits with exit status 1.

In /var/log/messages you can find the following:

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Couldn’t add sdp streams for stream


You try to establsish a call but it got disconnected and there is following message in Asterisk console from PJSIP Couldn’t add sdp streams for stream:

Two most common cases can cause this:

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An error occurred within the report server database. This may be due to a connection failure, timeout or low disk condition within the database


I had this issue due to having the Reporting Services databases in an Availability Group. When we failed over (for the first time) there were a bunch of permissions not correctly set, specifically the RSExecRole was not there. The reports worked, but not the subscriptions and we couldn’t edit any of the report settings. Upon …

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MariaDB error InnoDB: Upgrade after a crash is not supported

Here is a crash I experienced while upgrading MariaDB from 10.4 to 10.5

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Roundcube: SMTP server does not support authentication

When I try to send a letter from Roundcube I get the following error:

This can happen if Postfix doesn’t allow authentication from a localhost where Roundcube resides or if authentication scheme is wrong.

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SSRS Something went wrong. Try again later

This annoying error was discovered when I tried to modify subscription settings for one of the reports that I have on SQL Reporting Server 2016. When you look inside of your Report Server Error Logs, you see the following error: ERROR: System.Net.WebException: The underlying connection was closed: Could not establish trust relationship for the SSL/TLS …

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Skype for Business MS-Diagnostic Errors

Here are the description of MS-Diagnostic Errors you may see in Skype for Business logs when troubleshooting. The following table details what string is displayed in the SIP protocol client, depending upon what ms-diagnostic error is received for a given mode. Note that the following placeholder is used in these messages: § [user name] is …

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Letsencrypt error Invalid response from

Under some circumstances you may encounter an error while getting a certificate from Letsencrypt with Type: unauthorized and Detail: Invalid response from Most often it happens when website’s root is different from webserver’s root. Good example are Laravel based applications where website’s root is often in /public subfolder. In such case ACME challenges will be …

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