Tag: PHP

Laravel Relation “Attempt to read property on null”

It usually means that the related record is NULL or soft-deleted. There are multiple ways to gracefully handle such a situation, without showing the error to the user. A practical example would be a list of Posts with belongs To relation to Categories. Migration file for Posts:

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Magento server performance configuration


There are best practices in Magento 2 performance configuration of operating system, MySQL, PHP and webserver. This article covers important configurations of all components that will speed up the Magento site.

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FreePBX error gui_hidden has a deprecated constructor


Having fresh manual installation of FreePBX 14 on CentOS 7 and when access GUI for the first time it throws the following error: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; gui_hidden has a deprecated constructor. In Apache’s error log file I found the following: …

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How to upload a file to remote FTPS with cURL and PHP

You may need to upload a file to remote FTP or FTPS in a number of cases. In this article I’m going to show you how to upload file with cURL from Linux shell and using cURL in PHP.

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How to Install PHP 7 in CentOS 7

The CentOS 7 official software repositories have PHP 5.4 that is reached end of life and no longer actively maintained by the developers. Thus you need a newer PHP 7 on your CentOS server. The commands below will help you install PHP 7 on CentOS. All of them are executed as root account or with …

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Unable to set php_value soap.wsdl_cache_dir

I php-fpm access.log we can see the following: [18-Jan-2018 15:03:38] WARNING: [pool www] child 2148 said into stderr: “ERROR: Unable to set php_value ‘soap.wsdl_cache_dir’” By default this parameter looks like the following: php_value[soap.wsdl_cache_dir] = /var/lib/php/wsdlcache

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Enable Apache event MPM with php-fpm


Starting from version 2.4 Apache offers 3 MPM (Multi-processing Module) we can choose from, depending on your needs. The prefork MPM uses multiple child processes without threading. Each process handles one connection at a time without creating separate threads for each. Without going into too much detail, we can say that you will want to …

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