Category: VoIP

Vicidial access forbidden to the recordings folder


I got this upon trying to download call recording in Vicidial on the lead’s page. I have Vicibox 11 installed in virtual machine on Cloudmin with Vicidial VERSION: 2.14-899a BUILD: 231109-2027

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Asterisk vicidial WebRTC phone cannot connect

On the newly installed Vicidial box I got problem connecting WebRTC phone to Asterisk. I followed the setup guide here In the Asterisk console I saw: Problem setting up ssl connection: error:00000001:lib(0):func(0):reason(1), Internal SSL error  ERROR[2203]: tcptls.c:179 handle_tcptls_connection: Unable to set up ssl connection with peer ‘’ [Jan 17 11:46:42] ERROR[2203]: iostream.c:552 ast_iostream_close: SSL_shutdown() failed: …

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Flash Operator Panel 2 Connecting to server error

The case when FOP2 with HTTPS does not work and you can see “Connecting to server, attempt number ” message was described here Another case when this error can happen is when you try to log in as an operator and access /fop2 path

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ViciBox 11 installation in Cloudmin

ViciBox is worldwide popular callcenter solution. If you want to run ViciBox in virtual machine under Cloudmin you will need to perform a few additional steps to make running because there is no ready-to-go ViciBox image for Cloudmin available.

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Vicidial: How to update phones Server IP in bulk

To simultaneously update Server IP for all phones in ViCiDial, please log in to your MySQL (or PhpMyAdmin, if available) and run the following SQL statements:

where instead of “” specify your Vicidial Server IP. Check also How to update passwords in bulk in ViciDial

Using GotoIfTime with Timezones in Asterisk

Starting from Asterisk 1.6 GotoIfTime application supports Timezone parameter: [Syntax] GotoIfTime(times,weekdays,mdays,months[,timezone]?[labeliftrue][:labeliffalse]) I setup a system that receives calls from people in different timezones so I need to use Timezone parameter in GotoIfTime Asterisk application. Surprisingly I could not find examples on Asterisk’s website so I had to search for some. There can be two possible …

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Couldn’t add sdp streams for stream


You try to establsish a call but it got disconnected and there is following message in Asterisk console from PJSIP Couldn’t add sdp streams for stream:

Two most common cases can cause this:

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Vicibox 10 missing Certbot files

ViciBox 10 released September 1st, 2021 and you are welcome to try it out, though I encountered troubles generating Letsencrypt certificate as there was no Certbot installed and Certbot configuration files were missing: there was no Certbot files in Vicibox 10. It looks like OpenSuse has broken package at the moment. Install Certbot in OpenSuse …

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How to set custom background in MS Teams


MS Teams desktop client has around ten predefined background images and you can upload your own and choose it for your next call. You can set custom background in Teams client as follows:

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FOP2 and HTTPS cannot connect


I recently converted my FreePBX from a HTTP to HTTPS instance. On the same instance, I have Flash Operator Panel2 running on there. Prior to the change, FOP2 login screen or the /fop2 user console would popup rather quickly. After HTTPS was added, I’ve noticed that the login screen doesn’t popup for a little bit. …

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