FreePBX Letsencrypt certificate expired


Recently Letsencrypt certificate expired on one of my FreePBX servers. It supposed to update itself automatically as it is set in cron file for “asterisk” user.

First of all I navigated to Admin -> Certificate management and clicked Update certificate that gave me strange message:

Nothing to do, no changes made

The fastest way to check the Letsencrypt certificate renewal functionality in FreePBX is to give the following command in command line:

Upon execution it successfully updated the certificate which means we have to check /var/spool/cron/asterisk file and look for the line similar to:

For some reason it was missing so I added it back.

Let me know in comments what caused this line to disapear from the file.

Good luck!

Want me to do this for you? Drop me a line: itgalaxyzzz {at} gmail [dot] com