Letsencrypt Unable to find a virtual host listening on port 80

I installed Goautodial where access via HTTPS was configured “out-of-the-box” with self-signed certificate. HTTP access was configured through like default website in Apache without using VirtualHost directive.

I tried to get a certificate from Letsencrypt and got the following error:

Unable to find a virtual host listening on port 80 which is currently needed for Certbot to prove to the CA that you control your domain. Please add a virtual host for port 80.

To overcome this obstacle run the Certbot by specifying your webroot path and don’t examine Apache configuration:

Now press “3” – Place files in webroot directory (webroot):

Congratulations! You have the certificate!

Now edit ssl.conf and point Apache to the new certificate.

Don’t forget to restart Apache!

Good luck!

Want me to do this for you? Drop me a line: itgalaxyzzz {at} gmail [dot] com