Tag: IAX

Configure IAX clients in Asterisk

This article will cover the process of IAX clients configuration in Asterisk. There are three authentication methods that are supported: MD5, plaintext and RSA. The least secure is “plaintext”, which sends passwords cleartext across the net. “md5” uses a challenge/response md5 sum arrangement, but still requires both ends have plain text access to the secret. …

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Asterisk IAX error No Authority Found

This error is usually caused by a username/secret/type mismatch. This error also occurs when the context requested in the incoming call is different from one in the section of incoming peer. Multiple contexts in the peer section can be defined.

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Understanding Asterisk IAX authentication

This article explains the process that Asterisk uses to authenticate incoming and outgoing IAX2 connections. Reference to “type=user” in the text below should be assumed to include “type=friend” as well, since a friend can act as a user. The same assumption holds for “type=peer” references below.

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