Category: Linux

Virtualmin: cannot verify’s certificate

On a number of installations after the let’s Encrypt update in September 2021 you won’t be able to continue. Your may get this error. ERROR: cannot verify‘s certificate, issued by ‘/C=US/O=Let\’s Encrypt/CN=R3’: Issued certificate has expired. To connect to insecurely, use `–no-check-certificate‘. chmod: cannot access ‘’: No such file or directory ./ line 297: ./ No such file or directory

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Couldn’t add sdp streams for stream


You try to establsish a call but it got disconnected and there is following message in Asterisk console from PJSIP Couldn’t add sdp streams for stream:

Two most common cases can cause this:

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mysql_secure_installation: command not found

You have just installed MariaDB and as usual want to perform initial configuration by running mysql_secure_installation script but the error is: mariadb_secure_installation: command not found For MariaDB set ups you should use the following:

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Vicibox 10 missing Certbot files

ViciBox 10 released September 1st, 2021 and you are welcome to try it out, though I encountered troubles generating Letsencrypt certificate as there was no Certbot installed and Certbot configuration files were missing: there was no Certbot files in Vicibox 10. It looks like OpenSuse has broken package at the moment. Install Certbot in OpenSuse …

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How to copy directory with SCP

The Unix command scp (which stands for “secure copy protocol”) is a simple tool for uploading or downloading files (or directories) to/from a remote machine. The transfer is done on top of SSH, which is how it maintains its familiar options (like for specifying identities and credentials) and ensures a secure connection. It’s really helpful …

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SSH authentication refused bad ownership or modes for file

So you created SSH keypair, installed public key on the server you want to connect to but, probably, made this not as described in this article: How To Set Up SSH Keys and now the server refuses your key and in /var/log/secure we can see message like this: Authentication refused: bad ownership or modes for …

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Linux shell modes and Capistrano

This is possibly one of the most complicated support questions that can be asked, the only real answer is it depends. It’s really a question of which kind of shell Capistrano is using, it’s a matrix of possibilities concerning login, non-login, interactive, or non-interactive. By default Capistrano always assigns a non-login, non-interactive shell.

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Allow Access To Port in SELinux and Firewall

SELinux can be a pain at times if you don’t have a clear understanding how it works. A good chunk of resolutions around the web end up suggesting turning off SELinux completely. This, to say the least, is one of the worst things you can do to your server. Allowing access to ports through SELinux is …

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Special Bash characters and parameters and their meaning

Here I accumulated the most useful and frequently used special Bash characters and parameters. This list of special bash parameters is by no means complete and only contains some of the bash script parameters which I have encountered, so please contribute any bash parameter which is not in this list and you found useful.

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Goautodial Logging in to your phone. Please wait


The Gotodial was installed from ISO and agent had issue logging in. The login screen was hanging with the Logging in to your phone. Please wait… message. At that moment I did not have Letsencrypt certificate on Gotodial installed so it operated with default, self-signed certificate. In /var/log/messages there was the following:

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