How to Setup WebRTC on ViciDial and enable ViciPhone

VicidialThis is the complete guide on configuring WebRTC on ViciBox 8 and 9. Upon completing this guide you will have WebRTC and ViciPhone enabled on ViciDial.

The WebRTC configuration on ViciDial will consists of four main steps:

1 – setup SSL for the webserver (Apache)
2 – setup TLS in Asterisk built-in webserver
3 – Configure WebRTC and enable ViciPhone in ViciDial
4 – Use of PBXWebPhone as webrtc phone (optional)

Setup SSL for Apache

Configure the Certbot first:

Modify the file /etc/certbot/cli.ini. Here’s what you need to modify or verify:
1) Uncomment and make sure the ‘email =‘ section is set to your valid email. This is what ties the SSL certificates to you for management.
2) Uncomment and put the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) into the ‘domains =‘ section.
3) Uncomment the line ‘agree-tos = True
4) Uncomment the line ‘renew-by-default = True
5) Uncomment the ‘authenticator =’ line and change it from standalone to webroot, I.E. ‘authenticator = webroot
6) Uncomment the ‘webroot-path = /srv/www/htdocs‘ line
7) Comment out the staging ‘server =’ line and uncomment the production ‘server =‘ line.

After this, you need to make sure you can successfully generate an SSL certificate before continuing to modify Apache configs. If you modify Apache and cannot get an SSL cert issued then Apache will error and refuse to start. You can run Certbot by running ‘certbot certonly --webroot‘. In the output it should say that the SSL was successfully issued. Only once you have successfully gotten an SSL cert issued should you continue with the next set of instructions.

Once you have the SSL cert issued, you need to modify the file /etc/apache2/vhosts.d/1111-default-ssl.conf to reflect where the new SSL certs will be. Replace <FQDN> with the actual fully qualified domain name, I.E., etc:
1) Change the SSLCertificateFile line to read: SSLCertificateFile /etc/certbot/live/<FQDN>/cert.pem
2) Uncomment and change the SSLCertificateChainFile line to read: SSLCertificateChainFile /etc/certbot/live/<FQDN>/fullchain.pem
3) Change the SSLCertificateKeyFile line to read: SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/certbot/live/<FQDN>/privkey.pem
4) service apache2 restart

After that, you should be able to go to https://<FQDN> and successfully reach your ViciDial server.

Setup TLS for Asterisk

In the built-in webserver you now need to enable TLS port. Go to /etc/asterisk/http.conf:

Make sure port 8089 is open in a firewall!

edit/add those lines to sip.conf :

Configure WebRTC and enable ViciPhone in ViciDial

Now it’s time to enable WebRTC in ViciDial and enable ViciPhone in ViciDial.

Go to admin –> servers -> edit server then
Add to the “Web Socket URL” line:

Then go to admin -> templates add a new template call it WebRTC Phone then add :

go to admin –> phone then create a phone using the webrtc template ,
then go to “edit the phone” setting go to the line “set as webphone” to “Y”

Now log in to the Agent interface and you should have your ViciPhone registered and able to receive a call:

Viciphone-WebRTCIf you get Viciphone Reg. failed error make sure you restarted Asterisk to apply changes and that your Phone uses WebRTC template we have created earlier.

Use of PBXWebPhone as webrtc phone (optional)

Here is an example of Vicidial integration with custom WebRTC dialer
Git clone it into your web root folder:

Then in vicidial goto admin –> system settings then to the line :
Default webphone set it to “1”
Webphone url: PBXWebPhone/index.php

Now log in as the agent with the created phone and you should hear voice ” you are the only one in the world” 🙂

Good luck!

Want me to do this for you? Drop me a line: itgalaxyzzz {at} gmail [dot] com