Goautodial Logging in to your phone. Please wait

Goautodial-Logging-in-to-your-phone-Please-waitThe Gotodial was installed from ISO and agent had issue logging in. The login screen was hanging with the

Logging in to your phone. Please wait…


At that moment I did not have Letsencrypt certificate on Gotodial installed so it operated with default, self-signed certificate.

In /var/log/messages there was the following: Continue reading

Goautodial Login to Dialer button doesnt work

After I set up Letsencrypt certificate in Goautodial box, pointed Apache and Kamalio to it (edited /etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf and /etc/kamalio/tls.conf respectively), restarted the services with

I tried to log in to dialer but when I clicked Login to Dialer absolutely nothing happens. No error, the button doesnt work so an agent cannot login to dialer.
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Letsencrypt Unable to find a virtual host listening on port 80

I installed Goautodial where access via HTTPS was configured “out-of-the-box” with self-signed certificate. HTTP access was configured through like default website in Apache without using VirtualHost directive.

I tried to get a certificate from Letsencrypt and got the following error:

Unable to find a virtual host listening on port 80 which is currently needed for Certbot to prove to the CA that you control your domain. Please add a virtual host for port 80. Continue reading

Failed to add /run/systemd/ask-password to directory watch: No space left on device

UbuntuUpon installing Azure log collecting agent on Ubuntu machine I encountered the following error:

Failed to add /run/systemd/ask-password to directory watch: No space left on device

df command showed a lot of space so it’s not about a space itself but about inodes. Continue reading

How to check permissions in Reporting Services programmatically

get-all-permissions-SQL-reporting-servicesOne day we found that we need to check users and groups permissions on SQL Reporting Services to understand who has access to what. So the next question is how to get all permissions in SQL Reporting Services programmatically and possibly export them to Excel for future analysis. After some time searching I ended up with the following SQL query: Continue reading

Virtualmin upgrade MariaDB 5.5 to 10.2

webmin-logoWebmin hosts on CentOS 7 come with MariaDB 5.5 by default. If you need to upgrade it MariadDB the following guide will help you to do this step-by-step. Prior to start an upgrade MariaDB 5.5 to 10.2 on the Webmin host there will be a few preliminary but very important steps.

Before you do anything make a backup of your current databases: Continue reading

RPC failed; curl 55 OpenSSL SSL_write: Connection was aborted, errno 10053

When tried to execute git push I got the following error:

RPC failed; curl 55 OpenSSL SSL_write: Connection was aborted, errno 10053

The full error message:

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Vicidial Wrong Statistics in realtime report

Vicidial-realtime-report-wrong-dataThe symptom is that Vicidial shows incorrect data in Realtime Reports: minutes and seconds are zeros and there are no other colors except for “Agent waiting for call”.

To fix this check the following: Continue reading

Virtualmin: no Manage SSL certificate option

webmin-logoThe problem is that you want to enable SSL certificate for virtual domain in Virtualmin but the Manage SSL certificate option is absent from the Server Configuration. By default Manage SSL option is absent and you need to enable it in Features. To do so go toEdit Virtual Server -> Enabled Features, and set “Apache SSL website enabled

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How to Setup WebRTC on ViciDial and enable ViciPhone

VicidialThis is the complete guide on configuring WebRTC on ViciBox 8 and 9. Upon completing this guide you will have WebRTC and ViciPhone enabled on ViciDial.

The WebRTC configuration on ViciDial will consists of four main steps:

1 – setup SSL for the webserver (Apache)
2 – setup TLS in Asterisk built-in webserver
3 – Configure WebRTC and enable ViciPhone in ViciDial
4 – Use of PBXWebPhone as webrtc phone (optional) Continue reading

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