Tag: apache

Magento server performance configuration


There are best practices in Magento 2 performance configuration of operating system, MySQL, PHP and webserver. This article covers important configurations of all components that will speed up the Magento site.

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How To Create SSL Certificate for Apache on CentOS 7

An SSL certificate is an electronic ‘document’ that is used to bind together a public security key and a website’s identity information (such as name, location, etc.) by means of a digital signature. The ‘document’ is issued by a certificate provider such as GlobalSign, Verisign, GoDaddy, Comodo, Thawte, and others. In this article I will …

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Redirect HTTP to HTTPS in Apache

Let’s say you want all traffic to your website use secured connection. You can redirect HTTP to HTTPS in Apache like following: Using virtual hosts and Redirect directive When using SSL, you will frequently have at least two virtual hosts: one on port 80 to serve ordinary requests, and one on port 443 to serve …

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Apache Display Active Connections

To see active connections and performance of Apache server Status module can be used. A HTML page will be presented that gives the current server statistics in an easily readable form. If required this page can be made to automatically refresh (given a compatible browser). Another page gives a simple machine-readable list of the current …

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Apache HTTPOnly and Secure Cookie

Having HTTPOnly and Secure in HTTP response header can help to protect your web applications from cross-site scripting and session manipulation attacks. Here is how to configure HTTPOnly Secure Cookie Attribute in Apache.

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Apache SSL: error:0B080074:x509 certificate routines:X509_check_private_key:key values mismatch

For Apache error message is: [Tue Jan 23 12:51:37 2017] [error] Unable to configure RSA server private key [Tue Jan 23 12:51:37 2017] [error] SSL Library Error: 185073780 error:0B080074: x509 certificate routines:X509_check_private_key:key values mismatch

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Enable Apache event MPM with php-fpm


Starting from version 2.4 Apache offers 3 MPM (Multi-processing Module) we can choose from, depending on your needs. The prefork MPM uses multiple child processes without threading. Each process handles one connection at a time without creating separate threads for each. Without going into too much detail, we can say that you will want to …

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Apache Error: No matching DirectoryIndex (index.html) found

Apache HTTP Server

This error may occur when attempting to access applications that have an index.php file (or other index file), but not an index.html or other specified ‘directory index’ file. For example, phpMyAdmin includes an index.php file upon installation, but not an index.html file. By default Apache is configured with the following:

…meaning that Apache will …

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How to convert pfx certificate to Apache pem

Apache server requires the following two files for SSL configuration: 1 – Server.key : the private key associated with the certificate 2 – Server.crt :  the public SSL certificate issued by trusted authority If you have one .pfx file instead of two above (in fact the .pfx is certificate + private key combined into one …

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Password Protect with .htaccess and .htpasswd

With .htaccess and .htpasswd we can protect even individual page or file on webserver. To password protect an individual file:

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