Tag: error

MSSQL SSISDBBackup.bak could not be accessed

If you get the error SSISDBBackup.bak could not be accessed while creating an Integration Services Catalog, it could be because you do not have Integration Services installed on your SQL Server instance. Below I am going to attempt and create an Integration Services Catalog, by right clicking the item within SSMS and choosing Create Catalog. …

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GitHub Desktop Commit failed – exit code 1 received


The error in GitHub Desktop “Commit failed – exit code 1 received” can occur due to a few reasons. Check first if you have added files to your index. Open the command line and check your git status. Second, check if you have nested .git directories. Try searching your repository to see if you have …

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Cannot impersonate user for data source ‘CDRDB’. (rsErrorImpersonatingUser)

When deploying the Skype for Business Archiving and Monitoring role, it asks for a user account and password. Many clients don’t have a service account for this (or simply don;t understand they need a service account for this) and just put in the username and password of the Administrator or the person doing the install. …

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StatsMan error 1 no aggregation data found in the statsman data cache

Statsman error 1 no aggregation data found in stasman data cache

After running StatsMan for some time, one day I saw the error “error 1 – no aggregation data found in the statsman data cache“. First of all I checked the state of “Redis” and “Skype for Business StatsMan Listener” services and they were “Running”.

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How To Debug Nginx Reverse Proxy Issues

Nginx server is loved by many people for its proxy capabilities and ease of configuration. A simple proxy_pass can allow you to connect to any of the backends such as GoLang, php-fpm, NodeJS, another Nginx, Tomcat, Apache, Gunicorn, uwsgi, Flask, Django, an external CDN and many more. When proxying a request to another server, you …

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Nginx close upstream connection after request

Nginx was configured as reverse proxy for an upstream server that servers a website. Upon checking the setup I encountered the 502 Bad gateway error. In Nginx error.log I found the following line:

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ORA-09925: Unable To Create Audit Trail File

Upon trying to start Oracle database service I got the following ORA-09925 error in $DB_HOME/startup.log file

The same ORA-09925 error when I tried to log on to SQL*Plus.

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Asterisk IAX error No Authority Found

This error is usually caused by a username/secret/type mismatch. This error also occurs when the context requested in the incoming call is different from one in the section of incoming peer. Multiple contexts in the peer section can be defined.

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How to fix ORA-28001: the password has expired ORA-28002 The Password Will Expire in 7 Days Errors

A new day started from ORA-28002 The Password Will Expire in 7 Days message from an Oracle DB. Let’s dig a bit how can we avoid this situation and manage our Oracle DB passwords.

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Unable to load component class org.sonar.scanner.bootstrap.ScannerPluginInstaller

Suddenly “Error during SonarQube Scanner execution” began to appear during at the end of Jenkins build. The full text in Jenkins console output looks like this:

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