The symptom is that Vicidial shows incorrect data in Realtime Reports: minutes and seconds are zeros and there are no other colors except for “Agent waiting for call”.
To fix this check the following: Continue reading
Mar 11 2021
The symptom is that Vicidial shows incorrect data in Realtime Reports: minutes and seconds are zeros and there are no other colors except for “Agent waiting for call”.
To fix this check the following: Continue reading
Mar 09 2021
The problem is that you want to enable SSL certificate for virtual domain in Virtualmin but the Manage SSL certificate option is absent from the Server Configuration. By default Manage SSL option is absent and you need to enable it in Features. To do so go toEdit
Virtual Server -> Enabled Features
, and set “Apache SSL website enabled”
Mar 02 2021
This is the complete guide on configuring WebRTC on ViciBox 8 and 9. Upon completing this guide you will have WebRTC and ViciPhone enabled on ViciDial.
The WebRTC configuration on ViciDial will consists of four main steps:
1 – setup SSL for the webserver (Apache)
2 – setup TLS in Asterisk built-in webserver
3 – Configure WebRTC and enable ViciPhone in ViciDial
4 – Use of PBXWebPhone as webrtc phone (optional) Continue reading
Feb 12 2021
Single User Mode (sometimes known as Maintenance Mode) is a mode in Unix-like operating systems such as Linux operate, where a handful of services are started at system boot for basic functionality to enable a single superuser perform certain critical tasks.
It is runlevel 1 under system SysV init, and or in systemd. Importantly, the services, if any, started at this runlevel/target varies by distribution. It’s generally useful for maintenance or emergency repairs (since it doesn’t offer any network services at all), when a computer is not capable of normal operations.
Once you have decided to enter single user mode for maintenance or recover from crash you will need to VNC to the server or in other words emulation of physical console. Don’t worry about logging into the server at this point, since this process will need you to reboot the server.
The process is the same for both RedHat/CentOS 7 and 8
Once you issue the hard reboot, you may need to click Refresh in the top right of the VNC screen since the hard reboot will reset that connection. You need to click this refresh very quickly otherwise you will miss the boot screen where you can interrupt the boot process. Continue reading
Feb 02 2021
Single User Mode (sometimes known as Maintenance Mode) is a mode in Unix-like operating systems such as Linux operate, where a handful of services are started at system boot for basic functionality to enable a single superuser perform certain critical tasks.
It is runlevel 1 under system SysV init, and or in systemd. Importantly, the services, if any, started at this runlevel/target varies by distribution. It’s generally useful for maintenance or emergency repairs (since it doesn’t offer any network services at all), when a computer is not capable of normal operations.
Once you have decided to enter single user mode for maintenance or recover from crash you will need to VNC to the server or in other words emulation of physical console. Don’t worry about logging into the server at this point, since this process will need you to reboot the server.
Once you issue the hard reboot, you may need to click Refresh in the top right of the VNC screen since the hard reboot will reset that connection. You need to click this refresh very quickly otherwise you will miss the boot screen where you can interrupt the boot process. Continue reading
Jan 28 2021
If you get the error SSISDBBackup.bak could not be accessed while creating an Integration Services Catalog, it could be because you do not have Integration Services installed on your SQL Server instance. Below I am going to attempt and create an Integration Services Catalog, by right clicking the item within SSMS and choosing Create Catalog. If you are going to run/manage many SSIS packages, using a catalog makes life a lot easier. Continue reading
Jan 18 2021
Upon enabling ssh-ddos jail in Fail2ban jail.local you may have the following errors:
Jail ‘sshd-ddos’ skipped, because of wrong configuration: Unable to read the filter ‘sshd-ddos’
Found no accessible config files for ‘filter.d/sshd-ddos’
The reason is that Continue reading
Jan 09 2021
The error in GitHub Desktop “Commit failed – exit code 1 received” can occur due to a few reasons.
Check first if you have added files to your index.
Open the command line and check your git status.
Second, check if you have nested .git directories.
Try searching your repository to see if you have multiple .git directories Continue reading
Dec 23 2020
I have been working with Hyper-V checkpoints for a while and have been really impressed with the speed at which I can revert my instances when something goes wrong with an update or install.
So I expected similar approach in AWS EC2 and found that restoring from a snapshot AWS EC2 is definitely not as easy as just right-clicking in Hyper-V.
From the documentation provided by AWS the following restoring from a snapshot AWS EC2 manual were loomed
Dec 14 2020
When deploying the Skype for Business Archiving and Monitoring role, it asks for a user account and password. Many clients don’t have a service account for this (or simply don;t understand they need a service account for this) and just put in the username and password of the Administrator or the person doing the install. Then, months later, they change the password on that account and can’t figure out why the Monitoring Server reports throws the error: Continue reading