RunAs is a very useful command on Windows OS. This command enables one to run a command in the context of another user account. One example scenario where this could be useful is: Suppose you have both a normal user account and an administrator account on a computer and currently you are logged in as normal user account. Now you want to install some software on the computer, but as you do not have admin privileges you can’t install the same from the current account. One option is to switch user and login as administrator. Instead, you can do the same by simply using runas command. You just need to launch the installer from command prompt using runas command and by providing administrator login id and password. Continue reading
When deploying a recent Skype for Business Server 2019 deployment, I came across an issue when installing monitoring reports on a server. In previous editions of SQL Server, SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) was installed and configured by default. With the release of SQL Server 2017, this is now a seperate download that only installs the service. After installing SSRS, the Report Server Web Service/Report Manager in Reporting Services Configuration Manager needed to be configured.